The plan and vision of LIFEChurch is to be in the community looking for ways to LOVE and SERVE others.

Some of our ministries include:
  • LIFEServiceWe are told in Acts 1:8 (NLT) … you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
  • LIFEService-  Includes SERVICE PROJECTS like… fixing up a porch for a senior adult or providing rides to the doctor or the store. Trips to other places to serve the poor or do VBS for someone. Feeding the hungry.
  • LIFEGroups – We will intentionally teach God’s Word with passion and application. Our groups will focus on RELATIONSHIPS and DISCIPLESHIP. They will be driven by God’s Word and guided by trained leaders.
  • LIFEWorship – Our prayer is to be a culture centered around worship, not just on Sunday mornings, but everyday and not only through song, but with our lives.
  • LIFEKids – Focused children’s ministry that will serve K-5th grades. LIFEKids includes Sunday morning and Wednesday evening meetings. 
  • FORGED – our teen ministry that will serve Jr. High-High School age students. Food, games, worship, teaching and small group time.
  • LIFEFamily – Wednesday nights. We begin serving our weekly meal @ 5:15 pm (donations to cover the food are appreciated). At 6:00 pm we’ll experience a time of worship and Bible teaching for a midweek spiritual boost.